The most reliable datacenter in the world
  During the Cold War, NATO maintained top secret hardened facilities all over western Europe. In 1955 a large bunker complex was constructed just outside the small town of Goes in the south of the Netherlands. The facility was designed to house 72 people in case of a nuclear attack and was used as a NATO command bunker.

Today CyberBunker is completely renovated and most of the key equipment has been replaced and upgraded. CyberBunker combines the best of modern commercial technology with military-grade reliability and military construction to provide the most secure and reliable solution for people and equipment.

The facility comprises tunnels and operations rooms on five levels, one above ground designed as a decontamination and security area and four underground, with 5-meter-thick reinforced concrete outer walls designed to withstand a 20-megaton nuclear blast at 5 kilometers. All that is visible from the main gate of the facility is a parking lot and a remote controlled gate with surveillance cameras.

Visitors aren't welcome, clients can't visit, and even the authorities are kept at bay; it's as close to impregnable as any hosting facility is likely to get. It's even been put to the test. See: City Hall Strikes Back.
Heavy blast doors protecting the facility
CyberBunker is equipped with quadruple redundant data lines. Extreme reliability and security is only available to those who can afford it. Accounts start at €250 euro a month for a Dell dedicated server, but those fees buy you peace of mind and anonymity.
Most customers desire to stay anonymous. In most cases, CyberBunker does not even know who its customers are. "We simply don't care." is CyberBunker's slogan. "Whoever the customers are, it's our business to keep them online."

The CyberBunker organization is as strong a shield for its customers' interests as the bunker itself is for its servers. CyberBunker doesn't respond to threats by anyone. CyberBunker protects its customers from others who'd like to take servers down, such as the DMCA, competitors, authorities, burglars, governments, terrorists - and CyberBunker even offers protection against (civil) war.

Although some servers are present on-site, it's by no means clear that all clients are hosted within the same bunker, as CyberBunker's proprietary routing system disguises a site's actual physical location.

With enough food, water and diesel to survive through a full-scale nuclear war, CyberBunker is the perfect place to hide. Undisputed the most secure location in the world to host your dedicated servers.
    Plan of the bunker showing quadruple redundant data lines